"86WA2K2(Kapowsin Field) ReadMe:By Ron Vorak and Brian Moat.

"This is a Freeware Scenery"


FS2K2:Scenery"Kapowsin Field" located at Coordance N47 14.36and
W122 14.08.Just 2 Miles north of Kapowsin ,Washington.Also just
7miles South East of Pierce Co.Apt."Thun Field"On South Hill,5Miles
South of Puyallup,Washington.Features Photo Real Custom Buildings,
And" Kapowsin AirSports",A local "SkyDiving Club"Based at Kapowsin
Field.Aircraft used at Kapowsin SkyDive are: DhC6Super Twinn Otter,
Cessna 208 Grand Caravan,and a Cessna 182.


Thank's to the Airport Group,for the Freeware Program Apt.210,and a
Big thank's for Airport260 Upgrade for this Program By Tom Hiscox,
With which this Scenery was made with.I would also like to thank all
of the meny Authors out there of the great Macro's that we use for
Our Sceneries.Just to name a few,Doc George,Mark Remien,Dan Geis,and
Barry Bliasdell,Fred Banting,And I thank Robert Palmer and also Dia Griffiths for their EverGreen Trees Macros,Also I thank all.ThanksTo
you that are too meny to mention,thanks for the use of your Macro's.
Also a big thank's to Ken Nelson (WE BAD) for getting me started in
Making Scenery and also Compiling Morgan Lake with his Program LWM
Draw,So that the water shows up as Default 2k2 Moving water.Thank's
again Ken!!!Also a very big thank's to My Co-Author,Brian Moat for
His Great work on Most of the Photo Real Custom Building and Hangar
Macro's in Kapowsin Field Scenery.Thank you Very Much My Friend!!!


1.First download,and unzip " 86WA.2k2.zip",to a Temporary Directory.
You should now have a folder called Kapowsin Field.unzip the two
zip files in place,you should now have two additional folders that
are,Scenery,and Texture.Proceed to Step 2.

2.Go to the world selection,and click on Scenery libuary.Open and
click on the add Area button,Brouse for your Scenery folder that you
placed Kapowsin Field.Double click on the folder,and type inthe
Scenery area name,Kapowsin Field,Then click on the Green Arrow.

3.Goto world,click on go to Airport,and choose Addon Scenery and Select Kapowsin Field,and,Pick starting position,And enjoy.


This Scenery is strictly "Freeware" and is not to be sold!!It may
Be Distributed to other ,as long as it is complete and not tampered
with.This is copywrited material,and must be used as it is.I the
Author,and all mentioned herin,will take no responsibilities,for
any damages that may Ocurr to your use of this Scenery to your
System.In other words,"Use at your own Risk".

This Scenery Uses Apt.202,Apt.210,ASDText.ASD2.1,Vod27,and Vod30,
and Gerrish's Trees library,Trees_v3 Textures.Please Install these
Texture groups into fs2k2's main Texture file.

"Please Vote For US" Please Vote for 86WA2K2.Zip In SurClaro's Monthly Contest for
the Developers Award.Vote for 86WA.2K2.zip in April for March 2003
Monthly contest for the Developers Award.We thank you.

Please feel free to contact us,Ron.Vorak and Brian Moat Authors of
86WA.2K2.Zip(Kapowsin Field)Scenery.With any Comments of Questions
that you May Have.Please Enjoy our Scenery!!!!!

E-Mail Me:Ron Vorak At:Gamegttr@aol.com.
E-Mail Brian Moat At:bmoat@icehouse.net.Thank you.